ONE reason your SALES presentations may MISS objectives like:
- Increasing the number of requests
- Recording more sales or appointments
Too often, we believe that DELIVERING MORE information is better.
In fact, during presentations, LESS is MORE.
Prospective clients only look for :
- the outcome they need
- and an immediate relief from the problem they experience now
Proposing too many options has several drawbacks :
✅ It confuses the audience on what to do next
✅ It diminishes the impact of the solution you propose
✅ It undermines your own credibility
✅ and... it doesn't leave enough opportunities for the prospective clients to speak !
If one approach only can suffice, this is good enough. Your audience can
figure it out. Your job is about providing a clear and easy path to a
solution they feel good about.
Our method CONNECT! is about providing simplicity, clarity and results in sales presentations... because we believe enough eloquence and attention get you the result you need.