豬 年 快 樂
萬 事 如 意
Best Wishes for the Year of the Pig
To start this year, I would like to share with you 5 important tips.
5 important tips on persuasion and confidence when talking to a new audience.
Very soon, you will have to address a new team, or a group of new potential clients, so let's review a few recommendations for sending the right message from a position of confidence and authority.
1) Speak from your unique position of expertise, this means exposing briefly that you have the expertise, experience and credibility, shortly after a short introduction.
2) Share what matters to you most, in terms of skills or requirements in your department or company. Here, it is about being plainly authentic about what matters to you most, and this can include personal and professional values. An audience is always receptive to non-rational elements, as they define the LIKE / NOT LIKE reaction.
3) Keep an eye contact with your audience. Always remember that keeping the eye contact with portions of a large audience, or individuals in case of a smaller audience, has a powerful effect of retaining attention.
4) Start and conclude with a short story, a powerful introduction and conclusion can include a short story that echo your main message. Humans love stories.
5) Invite a Q & A session, that can seal the positive impression you left and start personal connections with the people meant to work with you.
Should you like to know more, I will be pleased to answer your questions privately if you click Connect on our website above or here.