One of my clients has successfully overcome his frustration of not being heard by upper
management, particularly when requesting a larger budget. Now, his
requests are acknowledged, almost every time.
Unfortunately, the feeling of being unheard is common in many organizations. Some examples include:
‼️ - Difficulty in securing an optimal budget from management
‼️- Challenges in conveying complex technical information to both
management and clients
‼️- Issues with communicating a vision to teams
‼️- Struggles in discussing sensitive matters with superiors
‼️- Complications in managing demanding clients
These challenges can be alleviated by adopting a few effective tools.
Here are three strategies you can implement right away. For a complete list, feel free to join me for a Zoom coffee chat.
✅1. Incorporate two key issues that your management prioritizes into your
discussions. This approach allows you to speak their language rather
than being perceived as self-serving.
✅2. When communicating complex messages, use "segmentation." Break your
communication into phases—Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, etc. This method
ensures clarity and can provide opportunities for you to receive
"goodies" at each stage.
✅3. Leverage the power of storytelling. The possibilities are limitless, and a
compelling story can facilitate the support you need.
Do you agree with these suggestions?